Bumfuk Egypt is the to the left of Tim butt two hahaha. (from Subscription Blues 10/17/03)
venom and bile to spew, at our wonderful clear channel owned MIX 96.
Monday, when i felt well enough to get out there, I went to the Dollar
Store only to hear the dyke queen Melissa Ethridge's crappy song, and
then good ole Uncle Krackup's Drift Away, a song that has been on the
number one most overplayed piece of crap for the last seven months.
Don't Radio and Records even make a attempt to change their top ten at
all anymore? This is the reason why people dont wanna listen to radio
anymore, same ole crap every hour on the hour. Oh did i say the Dollar
Store had MIX 96 on? Sorry got my radio stations mixed up, it was KDAT,
another soft rock station with the same playlist as SHIX 96. Of
course, at work on MIX 96 they were playing the same damn Melissa Dyke
Ethridge song and then Uncle Krackup (im not making this up). Same
songs, different radio stations. And you wonder why I wanna blow up the
radio transmitter. Oh yea, Sheryl Crow, another reason (please shoot
me). (Subscription Blues 10/18/03)
story centers on the eventual closing of Long Wong's, a Tempe based area
dive bar, to which you can get greasy buffalo wings, and watery
spegetti for two bucks a plate. When I lived in that area in the late
80s, Long Wongs was the place to eat very cheap, and that place was the
basis for the Tempe sound at that time, The Gin Blossoms, Dead Hot
Workshop and the Refreshments would later go on to major labels later
on, but for them, they were just as unknown once you left the Tempe
scene. But in the twenty years since I was a resident of that town, old
buildings down in the downtown Tempe have been torn down and made way
for newer, more posh looking and higher rents. Only the Jack In The Box
next door have remained, and I suspect that they too will be forced to
locate in the future.
True story number two.
Elvis Del Monte, was a charater in himself. When the Gin Blossoms
preformed at Chuy's that july 1992 day, he got up to do his Elvis
impersonation of Little Sister, which he did forget the words, but he
more than made it up with his karate kicks. And I too, thought that he
was part of the band too, but when they played the Cedar Rapids Freedom
festival one year later, he was not there.
Hurm-Tessitore. This woman I remember sat next to me at Chuy's, and
gave me the story of the Gin Blossoms since i havent heard of them at
that time; I went to Chuy's on the ideal that the Sand Rubies, another
Tucson band was gonna be there. Somehow, at Chuy's I managed to find a
sofa right in front of the stage and she came up later, she was also
friends with a band called Echohouse who opened for the Gin boys.
Anyway, she passed away from cancer early this year, and they will have a
benefit for her with the reunion of Beats The Hell Out Of Me, a metal
band from Phoenix. Even though I only met her that nite in July, I do
remember her.
But getting back to Long Wongs,
its a dive no doubt, its small, cramped and very smelly, in fact I was
there only to go to the bathroom when i was there last august. Even for
five minites of being there, the memories still remain. Kinda reminds
me of my days at the OK lounge in Marion IA, the last known performance
of Paraphernalia. The OK was torn town to make way for the Nancy Miller
Public Library, which smells a lot better than the OK did. (The Closing
of Long Wongs 11/6/03)
rant to amuse you with. Went to FYE yesterday, and found three used
CDs. Again, I wish these dammed stores would quit putting out scratchy
CDs and charging them 8 bucks for them, and also, quit writing on the
disc. Nothing boils da crabb more than hot water is buying a cd with
somebody writing their freaking name on it. If your not gonna keep your
CD, DONT WRITE ON IT! (Punk Soup 11/09/03)
the subject of Don Gibson, he died monday he was 75. Don Gibson to me
wrote some of the best songs of the 50s and 60s, and some of the
darkest songs to boot. Who could argue with Oh Lomesome Me, Blue Blue
Day, Sweet Dreams and I Cant Stop Loving You. My personal fave is Oh
Such A Stranger, a song so dark and despair it makes Ian Curtis look
tame. BMG cant keep a decent Don Gibson best of in print, but try to
find RCA Country Legends (Buddha), or All Time Greatest Hits
(RCA-deleted), or I Wrote A Song (RCA-long long deleted but availble via
Bear Family) for a good idea of what he can do. (Don Gibson RIP From
Bottom Of The Barrel 11/21/03) Note: Arthur Conley died on that week as
I don't wanna work, I want to bang on the drum all day (the link still works!)
Dave Dudley has taken his Big Rig and have head to the Great Beyond. (End Of Year thoughts 12/29/03)
of what i liked, 2003 was another disappointing year. We lost our last
true record store in town, lost the best damn Mexican restrauant in the
state, and the last true classic country radio station in favor of yet
another faceless Top 40 hip hop station. And of course, we lost June
and Johnny, Warren Z, Ty longley, Don Gibson, and distant cousin Elliott
Smith. On the plus side Rhino did reissue Rank And File, Wounded Bird
gave Root Boy Slim back to the masses, and we got some decent blues
complations as well. And the Townedgers finally did get off their cans
and put out a new album. But in the long run, Britney This, Fred Durst
That and Micheal jacksons problems all outdistanced the good, Time/Life
music barfed up the same ole 70s complations once again and the RIAA
terrolized the computer users of the world. Universial promised us
some cheaper cds, but all that was was the usual dangling the carrot in
front of the horse. You want cheap cds, its still the pawnshops, so
look there.
I dont expect any of you to go out and buy
everything a artists puts out, but if a artist or band had a classic I
think you should know about I would tell you about it. If I influenced
you to buy a Blue Rodeo or a Bottle Rockets or the Romantics then I did
my job, If I warned you bout a crappy cd and you avoided it ditto. But
in the end it dont matter, it all comes down to what sounds good to
you. Thats the magic of music, a song that may sound sappy, but will
make you remember the good times in your life, and no smart assed
comment will change that. Good music is timeless, regardless.
(Acknowledgements 12/23/03)
Final thought for
that year came from End Of The Year Thoughts and hard to believe five
years later it still remains true. Visionary I'm not, but I know a
cockroach that you keep killing and it keeps coming back.
Britney Spears will never amount to much more than a Pop Tart and a 4th rate one at that.
Da Crabb's Corner I predict will last longer than Britney Spears' wedding. (He's Back 1/5/04)
It already has, bro!
Hoop ( A reply to above note He's Back 1/5/04)
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